is deeply rooted in delivering superb service to our valued clients. Since much of our business is in “ship-in/ship back,” it’s critical that you feel totally comfortable with the shipping process for your Rolex, Omega, Breitling, TAG Heuer, Panerai, Cartier, or other high-value watch.
That’s why we are taking extra steps to ensure your confidence in our service during this coronavirus crisis, which I’d characterize as a bit like “shipping and delivery in the time of cholera.” is proactively tackling a “novel” shipping challenge these days to ensure your cherished timepiece will be delivered safely, on time, and not damaged.
High-Tech Tracking Devices
The reality is that shipping and delivery companies are deluged with shipment orders, as more people are working remotely, buying “zillions” of goods online, and having them delivered to their homes. At the same time, shipping companies prefer that their employees avoid face-to-face contact with customers, based on government and community health/safety guidelines. Presto, some express packages with high-value items inside are now being left on the customer doorstep.
So, despite our company paying for a signature upon delivery, the reality is sometimes the drivers won’t get a signature – at their own discretion. They simply do not want to get closer than six feet to a customer, or believe “it’s a safety issue if I have to hand the clipboard to the person at the front door for a signature.” While that’s understandable from a personal-safety standpoint, from our own “control” point of view, it’s a major challenge.
Our Creative Solution
We recently purchased a significant inventory of 200 highly advanced GPS tracking devices, which we’re placing inside each of our highly secure WatchRepairPack shipping containers that we send to you on a complimentary basis for shipping your watch to us. On the outside, these industrial-grade shipping containers are impact-resistant and tamperproof, but inside they contain our newest secret weapon – a Tive Solo 5GTM multi-sensor tracker that reports a package’s location “in real time” to a cloud-based software system, using the latest advancements in cellular technology.
We are pleased to announce this added level of shipping protection for our customers. And we are also happy to report that our investment in protecting each customer’s timepiece is already paying off.
John Polaha, a loyal customer from North Carolina’s Outer Banks, recently sent us two high-value watches for service – an irreplaceable special-order Omega and a very nice Panerai item. While John expected the package to arrive at our office via overnight mail, he became increasingly concerned when it still hadn’t yet been delivered a week later. “I was getting worried that someone was taking it home with them,” John told me.
Our tracking device showed that the package – supposedly headed for South Florida – was instead going back and forth across the state of North Carolina. Says John, “You can imagine how relieved I was, realizing the tracker system allows you to bring up a map so you can see, minute by minute, exactly where my watches were at.”
No Investigation Needed
Upon calling UPS on the customer’s behalf, I learned the package wasn’t scanned and that I would have to fill out a recovery claim form so they could start an investigation. That’s when I told the shipper, “Hey, I can see exactly where it is. And if you don’t know, I can certainly tell you – right now. Case solved!”
By increasing the frequency of the tracking signal in the wayward package to two minutes and crossing the GPS to the Wi-Fi, it was easy to see where the “lost” parcel was – the tracker revealed it was sitting right in the UPS warehouse!
Thankfully, it was found, safe and sound – a tale of Old-World mechanical watch meets New-World modern tracking. I truly believe that these exciting new GPS tracking devices coupled with our highly secure packing cases deliver great protection for your timepiece and peace of mind for you. It’s the only way you’d want to ship your valuable timepiece. And it’s only available with
During this pandemic era it’s definitely not business-as-usual for many companies, but rest assured, we’re committed to doing everything possible to exceed your expectations and deliver a great watch repair and service experience.
Tive Solo 5G ™ Tive empowers companies with real-time in-transit visibility of shipments around the globe. Tive is based in Boston, MA. For more information, visit: